A picture paints a thousand ~words~ tokens, right?

With almost no software, and even less effort, you can get a computer to interpret complex physical systems from plots. This time last week that was difficult.


I gave GPT-4V, available publicly since last Monday (written 2023-11-06-ish), this plot of heart rate and asked "Here's a plot of heart rate for one day. Describe what happens and what the user might be doing?"

The response understood - and I use the word advisedly - that I woke up about seven, that probably ran or cycled to work and back, and that I went to bed between 21:00 and midnight. All correct.

That might not seem much but think of what had to happen: * Understanding that this is a graph of something vs time, and what a graph is. * Interpreting the axes and reading values from the graph. * Understanding - that word again - that the values represent the measurement of a physical system, and hypothesising how the inputs to that system could influence the output.

This took about 1000 tokens, and cost about two cents. All just to tell me I'm not as fit as I used to be.

The raw response looked something like this:

The graph displays a 3-minute average heart rate over a full day. Here's a breakdown of what the data suggests:

Please note the that this interpretation assumes the heart rate data is from a healthy adult and that the variations are solely due to physical activity, which may not always be the case. Diet, emotions, stress levels, medication, or medical conditions can also influence heart rate.

#llm #ai